Enjoying the Journey

Nicholas changed to self direction just over a year ago. It has been a great change for him overall. He transitioned to self-direction from a traditional day program (his second)  and an agency Residence.  It was clear he was not accomplishing much in either program. 

Nick  now has his own apartment and the support of  a Live-In Person who is there for overnight safety. His regular staff works during the days and evenings. Being able to choose staff is both a privilege  and challenge. But  we have supported Nick in  finding people who are genuinely  interested in working with him  and helping him gain skills. Having the right support staff has made a wonderful difference in Nick’s life. 

Family advocates work with Nick and his  staff to create a weekly schedule to include the gym and several volunteer jobs which provide a sense of accomplishment and valuable social contacts.  He needs great support for all these things–supports that  agencies  were  not able to provide for him. On evenings and weekends Nick works on his household chores. Nick’s progress may be slow but he and his  staff are enjoying the journey together.  Nick can tell they want to be there. They have fun!